Brad Barton’s Beautiful Monsters
Beautiful Monsters was born from a discussion during a Bride of Frankenstein inspired session. We joked about how Monsters were people, too – they just needed love in their life. So we began to brainstorm ideas to create a “Monster Positive” campaign to show the world how beautiful creepy can be. It is meant to encourage people to take power over their fears – The Dark, Monsters, Spiders, etc. – to take that power back and own it. There is strength inside all of us. I am a Beautiful Monster. Feel my claws. Hear my roar.

The Book
The book is an 8×10 softcover, perfect bound book with 60+ full color, glossy pages. Each of the 29 featured Beautiful Monsters has a two page spread with their “hero shot” and on the facing page, at one other image plus a brief, romantic line or two about her.
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The Sessions
Would you like to become a Beautiful Monster? You now can get your own private Beautiful Monster Session starting at just $399. (These sessions are not included in the book.) Contact Brad for More Information.

The Game
The veil between the world of Beautiful Monsters and the Real World is thinning. Collect various magical artifacts to have the best chance of surviving the coming End Times.
Beautiful Monsters, the Game is currently being playtested and final touches are being made for a nationwide production and distribution.
Monster Backers
Special thanks go out to these backers that donated $250 or greater to the Kickstarter:
- Laura Callahan
- Angela McNabb
- Ruby
- Anya
Additional Thanks to the Other Kickstarter Backers:
- Tim Walters
- Johnny Sutterfield
- Andrew Friedrich
- darkserra
- Winston Kou
- Lori Ramsey Tassin
- Kevin Daugherty
- Shelly Matityahu
- Aysun the Mermaid
- Megan Hammonds
- Scott Klein
- Amy Wurdock
- John Wood
- Michael Telford
- Tosh Thomas
- Kathryn Hill
- Colin Knight
- Michael Scuderi
- Michael Lyons
- Steven List
- Doug
- John Skotnik
- Whitney Slatten
- Sabrina Brown
- Scarlett
- Jenn Rinella